Neo - 8. mars 2007
Foto: Jannike

Se, så staselig gutten vår har blitt! Look how stylish our boy has become!

Øynene har han arvet etter pappa Storm, tror jeg. :-) I believe he has inherited the eyes of his father, Storm. :-)

Neo poserer ved et gammelt, lyseblått naust. Neo is posing in front of an old, baby-blue boathouse.

Maybe the focus is a little wrong here...? ;-)

"Hi, mummy! Where are you going?"

"Can I come too?"

Vakre Neo! Pretty Neo!

Søtt, lite tre foran en stubb...... Cute, little tree.....

"Mamma, hva gjør du på??? Kan jeg være med på bildet også eller?????" Neo has to come and see what I am doing, and why I'm not photographing him....! :-)

OK, litt feil vinkel, men se så fin hale gutten har da! *ler* OK, not the best angle, but look at his poshy tail! :-)

Neo og pinnen. Neo and a stick. Simple as that. :-)

Stick no. 2.


"Wait up, I cooooming!"